Our team is made up of highly experienced, qualified and enthusiastic trainers. We are keen to ensure our skills are always up to date, and strive to adopt best practices. We would like to introduce you to some of the team…

Chris Simmons - Managing Director and Head Trainer

Charismatic, a force of nature, larger than life and a proud Welshman sums up our Managing Director Chris. The driving force behind Tineke Training, he also leads and specialises in the delivery of all Work-based and Paediatric First Aid Training, and Mental Health First Aid qualifications.

Chris spent 14 years working in the secure estate with some of the UK’s most dangerous adult and young offenders. Click here for more…

Posted at HMP Bristol, HMP Littlehey, HMYOI Aylesbury and HMYOI Reading; he worked his way up from Prison Officer to Physical Education Instructor (PEI) and eventually Head of Learning and Skills.

Chris successfully facilitated the steps to fulfil the intention of actively engaging all young prisoners in some form of education, skills development or training. This proved to be valuable experience as adapting and using a variety of teaching methods to achieve the desired outcomes is relevant to any environment or situation.

During his last role within the prison service as Head of Learning and Skills, Chris was instrumental in formulating education/ learning strategies, managed the delivery of the education contract through to forging key external partnerships. He built strong relationships with The Duke of Edinburgh Award, Reading FC, Manchester College, Barclays Bank and the BBC. Chris appeared in two BBC productions to highlight the collaborative work being done to reduce re-offending, instil confidence and a new outlook on life.

Chris has competed in triathlon Sprint, Olympic and Iron Man distances since 2011. Injury in 2014 ruled him out of all competitions. However, he still keeps himself fit and strong in the gym, and can still be found pounding the streets (running that is) in Nottingham, London, Palma, Madrid, Ibiza – basically wherever in the world he’s working.

Dave Stretton - Senior Trainer and Lead Outdoor/ Activity First Aid & Rescue

Dave aka ‘Stretts’ is our very own Bear Grylls and Iron Man. He specialises in the delivery of everything outdoors; from Activity First Aid to Outdoor First Aid/ Rescue, Sports Coaching and Team-Building Challenges.

Dave shares a similar background to Chris. He worked 23 out of his 25 years as a Physical Education Instructor (PEI) in the prison service. Click here for more…

His main charge was PE delivery, addressing offending behaviour, challenging anti-social behaviour, and working closely with Chris at HMYOI Reading in developing external partnerships. He is still held in high regard by the Princes Trust and Duke of Edinburgh Award.

When he’s not working, you will find Dave surfing or trekking across rough terrain. Like Chris he has competed in all triathlon distances. Completing Iron Man Wales in 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2017; Dave (like a fine wine) just gets better with age. 2019 saw him compete overseas for the first time at the Challenge Peguera, Mallorca. The pandemic halted all competitions for Dave as it did for so many. However, Dave has kept ticking over and looking forward to competing in 2022 and beyond!

Phil Jones - Senior Trainer and Sports First Aid Specialist

We are very lucky to have someone with so much knowledge and experience on the team. Phil spent 29 years working for Her Majesty’s Prison Service, mainly as a Physical Education Officer.

He is a keen educator and also one for continuous self-development and learning – his extensive and impressive list of qualifications demonstrates this (there are too many to list here). Click here for more…

Phil is the Sports First Aid specialist. He worked on behalf of the English Football Association (FA) for many years delivering first aid courses to football club staff. Whether the client is a football club, retailer or nursery; Phil adapts and delivers with enthusiasm like the rest of the team.

Tineke Simmons - Business Development & Administration

While our trainers are out on the road delivering sessions, Tineke is busy managing the office ensuring all our clients are kept happy and co-ordinating the trainers diaries so that they’re in the right place, at the right time. Click here for more…

Coming from a business development and marketing background spanning over 15 years, she is responsible for establishing new opportunities and developing client relationships in the UK and internationally.

When she’s not in the office you will find her walking the ‘team mascot’ Ella the Miniature Schnauzer, in the gym or somewhere in the world meeting new clients. You might also find her teaching; in February 2022 Tineke became a qualified First Aid Instructor.

Who we work with

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