Mental health words of wisdom

Mental health words of wisdom from experienced early years practitioner, Bella Kennedy.

“If we can help at least five children, that go on to impact another five people positively; we are creating a better world.”

Bella Kennedy, Manager of Twyla Nursery Doha, expressed her thoughts during a recent Mental Health First Aid Training session at the Nursery.

Profound words

Her statement impacted all present in the room. Whilst we can’t singlehandedly change the world overnight, we can contribute to helping the next generation.

Mental wellbeing from an early age

During the session, we discussed and shared ways in which to engage young children in mental health awareness and wellbeing.

We expanded on methods already used at Twyla. For example, encouraging the children to draw how they feel and talk to the Nursery’s resident therapy teddy bear.

The group included parents. They felt encouraged to talk to their children more about emotions and coping mechanisms when faced with a problem.

Societal challenges

The group talked about the societal challenges regarding Mental Health. Often considered a taboo subject, they felt a sense of relief to talk openly about their own personal experiences.

Mental health stigma exists everywhere. Education is key to help challenge stigma and realise that our mental wellbeing is as important as our physical health.

In promoting mental health wellness from an early age, we’re giving the next generation a chance to live healthier and happier lives.

Please contact us for more information on our mental health first aid sessions. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for useful posts and news on mental health.


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